Monday, August 11, 2014

Elevation Requires Seperation

Earlier this year I was scrolling down my Tumblr when I saw "Elevation Requires Separation." I began to analyze what these words really meant and how I could apply this to my life, just so I can better myself as a person.

To me, these words indicated that I needed to let go of my unhealthy lifestyle. Basically, cutting of people or things that were not very positive in my life. I wanted to let go of certain people just so other areas of my life could also improve.

I began to list a whole bunch of things and people I needed to let go. I was mainly focused on people. Thinking about this made me go a little bonkers! How do I tell so-so and so I don't want to be your friend anymore? or do I just say "You are fake and u just bringing my life down?" I hate being mean to people! I will just feel bad. =(

I thought to myself "Actions speak louder than words!" maybe I can do this indirectly. I will just not communicate with certain people like I use to anymore. I will do things differently till they realize we are on a whole different level. Slowly but surely, they will fade away. For example, if I like to study on weekends and you want to party, you will realize we don't vibrate on the same frequency. Sorry, you just have to find people who like to party.

When I began to drop people out of my life, I started to see major improvements. I became more focused and my grades are now looing so sexy!

We all have something that's holding us back. What is really holding you from getting to that next level?

"Life is full of distractions, and being able to separate yourself from these distractions is key to elevate yourself one step closer to your dreams." -Unknown

1 comment:

  1. *round of applause* keep that GPA hella sexy girl - we're all arching that point where we are letting go of the unhealthy things and refocusing on ourselves. I'm very happy for you x
